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- Plugster/Defiance
- Mikael Andersson
- Lagmansvägen.18
- S-374 52 Asarum
- Sweden
- Hello,
- This is Plugster of Defiance who is back with the latest issue of
- Buzz, this time Buzz #3 is even better then issue #2 so hope you like
- it since i have put an great job behind it, Some of you might also
- wonder why it took so long time for me to write back and my answer to
- that question is, I wanted to finnished Buzz, and so have i been
- working alot and this have almost taken all my time, and on the spare
- time have i worked with Buzz...
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Wizard ex Equinox Joined as Swapper
- - Fatal ex Equinox Joined as Graphician
- - Mat U20 ex Equinox Joined as Musician
- - Zombie ex Mad Elks Joined as Swapper
- - Sirius Joined as Graphician
- - Mike ex S!P Joined as Trader
- - Skepp Joined with his board Beyond Madness
- - Beechbone was kicked becouse of lazyness.
- - Defiance Intern Meeting is moved, maybe to
- May instead of April.
- - Wizard is puting togheter an pack called
- Demos Of The World.
- - Siracon is puting togheter an pack called
- Violent Playground.
- The Real Defiance member list 1994-04-21.
- -----------------------------------------
- Athlon - Coder
- Avenger - Musician
- Brainiac - Coder
- Fatal - Graphician
- Gnome - Graphician
- Guybrush - Trader
- Kervin - Graphician
- Kitcho - Trader
- Lucas - Raytracer
- Magnum - Graphician
- Mat U20 - Musician
- Mel|on - Musician
- Mike - Trader,Swapper
- Modesty - Coder
- Oops - Graphician
- Phreek - Coder
- Skepp - Sysop
- Plugster - Organizer,Swapper
- Slaze - Musician,Sysop,Coder
- Sid - Trader
- Siracon - Musician
- Sirius - Musician
- Sputnik - Graphician
- Stoltz - Sysop
- Valiant - Coder
- Wizard - Swapper,Trader
- Xeltic - Coder
- Zombie - Swapper
- Stonehenge BBS +46(0)454-21283
- WonderWorld BBS +46(0)454-29705
- Beyond Madness +46(0)44-106748
- Name Unkown +46(0)35-129826
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ALL:
- - I have got many question, from peoples, can we not make the
- music for buzz, in issue #5 will this we possible, becouse, we
- should have modules then, one that always is from, Defiance,
- and one that other can make, but in Issue #3 of Buzz will
- there be an Module Competion, why don't YOU make one for this
- competion, Suport it today...AND WHAT IS YOUR VOTES FOR THE
- - Defiance, The Guiding light -
- - Buzz, the way out of the Dungeon -
- - Plugster of Defiance - Main Editor of Buzz -
- - Sure just tell Jezo/Trsi that he can draw how many Cliparts
- he wants for Buzz, i diden't use them, you sent me becouse i
- diden't know if i should. Xtd/Mystic/Trsi, are free to make
- modules for Buzz but NOT to issue #4 but to issue #5, so tell
- him this...We are working on an new design on the paper-sheets,
- so maybe next time you will get some, Okey?? and thanks for
- your great support, have an great time reading Buzz#3...
- - Of course you can be an Co-editor for Buzz, i really like
- your articles, hope you can produce some more of them.
- Of course we can swap, but i waning you, i'am very lazy, so
- can you stand out with this so sure...
- Yes i have heard of your tool-pack, and it is really nice in
- fact. Why i took the Configuration from your tool disk is that
- it was so nice, look in the Creditz....
- Sure you can be an official spreader, remind me until next
- time okey??? so should i put your addy in that section...
- Maybe you have an great idea how we can make Buzz even better,
- issue #5 will be totaly diffrent, becouse we have starded to
- re-program it, and the layout will be totaly great.
- - Thanks for the articles countine your great suport.
- i should talk to other members of Defiance and see what they
- say, but in other cases so are we in need of Co-editors in
- Buzz, you can bee in that team if you want...
- Do you have some pictures and modules from the Gathering'94
- please send some to me then...
- - Goten tag, thanks for your suport, Of course can you be an
- official spreader of Buzz, but before i can let you be one do
- you have over 50 contacts??? why i have sat this limit is so
- people only think wow, i can get an free adverts, and
- meanwhile get the latest issue of Buzz... so please let me
- know...
- - Tjenare Johan, tackar för suporten, hoppas att du gillar
- Buzz#3, lika mycket som jag hatat den just nu...
- jag skickar någon gång lite suport för Propaganda #4 eller #5
- jag kanske inte hinner till #4 för den kommer väl snart???
- Hmm.... Swedish chart är lite dålig suport så vill du upprepa
- dina, handlingar så är det välkomet... skjut posten!!!
- - Your adverts is in Buzz#3 countine your suport...
- - Nice letter, very extrem short, but how cares, i don't
- look in the Official spreaders section, and witch addy do you
- find there if not yours... but please let me know how many
- contacts you have...
- - Thanks for the suport for Buzz, here comes issue #3, spread
- it like hell, No i have only 512kb Chip in my computer, but
- Madman was sure great...
- ???/ICE:
- - Here you got it, happy now???
- - Thanks for your great suport, i diden't use your cliparts,
- becouse, if i have so should proberly not Buzz #3 work on
- Amigas with 512kb chip, you see the module was a little big
- this time, so all the cliparts diden't get in...but please
- send more of them, and thanks for the great articles, send
- more of them...In issue #3 and #4 so should we only use
- Defiance music, but in issue #5 so can we use two modules, so
- if your are the greatest so will use it. but there are alot of
- peoples, how want to make music for Buzz, so the competion is
- hard. Hope that not your sister get angry at you, stealing her
- paper like that!!! He,He...
- - Här kommer Issue #3 av Buzz hoppas att du gillar den...
- sprid den lika snabbt som Aids, och det sprids ju snabbt.
- - Tackar för suporten, här kommer det senaste nummret av Buzz.
- hoppas att det duger... Hälsa björnarna i Kolmården i från
- mig...
- - Tack för Buzz Suporten, här kommer senaste numret...
- Bra bara dränk oss i nyheter, det är alltid bra att ha...
- - Tack för suporten, hade du kollat, i Indexet så hade du sett
- att det bara kostade en tom disk, en med advertsen på och en
- tom disk som betalning, så nästa gång, skicka bara disken,
- med advertsen på så bhuder jag på Issue #4...Okey???
- - What is happening, are you dead???, hereis the latest Buzz.
- - How is it going in Paris???, are you totaly hopnotized of
- all the girls or what ?, but here comes something else you can
- watch on, Buzz#3...
- - Suport Buzz a litlle bit else you will be deleted from,
- Official spreader list okey????
- - Hoppas att NEWS filerna inte brännde fast i hjärnbatteriet
- eller något liknande, här kommer Buzz #3, hoppas att du gillar
- den lika mycket som jag hatar den. som du ser i början av
- brevet så har jag tvingat alla att delta i Music competion,
- och läsa får vi ju hoppas att de kan, jo, det var en bra ide
- din bror kom på, skulle han komma på fler, så borde han bli
- politiker, kanske en ny calle bilth, neeh föresten det räcker
- med en, visste du att calle bilth hade en BBS?? när jag fick
- veta det så slog jag en dubbel saltomotal med trippel axel,
- mor min undrade om det stor rätt till, jag menar om han inte
- kan styra Sverige huri h-lvete, skall han styra en BBS????
- - Du är kickad, när skall det gå upp för dig din trög simmande
- flodhäst, eller har du fått knäck i hjärnsystemet så att de sista
- hjärn cellerna har gått upp i rök av allt tänkande?!? Om du nu vet
- vad ordet kickad betyder? Det finns andra användbara ord, som:
- Sparkad, avskedad etc,etc... men andra sidan sett Malcom
- verkar fatta lika illa, så det måste vara en sjukdom, är du
- säker på att du är vacinerad mot, lamenesiuorus trögiourious.
- eller på lite lättare srpåk... Trög Lamer skjukdommen...
- - Som du säkert mäker så har Buzz, redan släppt, så dina
- cliparts var sent ute, för Issue#3 men issue #4 kommer ju
- snart så vi får se vad som händer.Men annars kan du ju
- fortsätta din suport...
- - Mag-Net #3 was great, very nice graphics, i will proberbly,
- make an Review of it in Buzz #4, but why don't you make it
- bigger??? You should come far with it, you will recive my
- suport of it in some days, or remind me in the next sending
- Okey???
- - Skoj att du gillade Buzz#2 här kommer issue#3 som enligt min
- åsikt är bättre än #2, men det kanske bara är som jag tycker.
- Oj!!!, min music smak varierar, men jag brukar lyssna på, Ace
- of Base, Pet Shop Boys, Nirvana, Gun's and Roses, Front 242,
- Nitzer Ebb, Bryan Adams, Hadaway, 2unlimited, och så vidare,
- jag är nog en all ätare när det gäller musik...
- Asarum Stad??? jo jag tackar, Asarum ligger 4 kilometer utan
- för Karlshamn, som ligger i Blekinge, och som har en stor
- festival en gång om året 21-25 Juli, Baltic Song Contest,
- brukar vissas is Tv, eller ligger 6 mil ifrån Karlskrona där
- U137 gick på grund, vet du nu lite bättre vad Asarum ligger?
- Generation #16 är ett bra tag sedan den kom ut, vill du
- fortfarande had den så har jag inte kvar den för att den är
- överspelad, oj mina kontakter bara växer har en väll cirka
- 130-150 nu, men antalet bara växer...
- - Hope you enjoyed your vication at the Gathering'94,
- i will add your addy as an Official spreader of buzz in the
- next issue, i will of cource send it some days before trhe
- release date, hope you will be satisfied...
- Can you give me the Polka Brothers demo witch was released on
- the Gathering'94 thanks...
- I hope you will enjoy this little sending from me...
- if i send you some votes for the Swedish chart can and will you
- spread them for me??? Are you in need of an Swedish Division
- of Kefrens... let me know ???
- - Okey, tack för brevet och suporten, men tyvärr så hinner jag
- inte swappa med dig, men du kan ju alltid fortsätta att
- suporta Buzz.Och du var försiktig när du fejkar stampsen,
- posten här ville först inte lämna ut ditt brev på grund av
- detta...
- - Okey, sure you can suport Buzz, the more the better,
- Thanks for spreading the vote sheets, i hope i will recive one
- sone, countine your great suport...
- - Sure of cource can you be an Official spreader of Buzz,
- please remind me until next time Okey!!!
- - Hmm, tackar för stuffet till bUzz, hoppas att du gillar
- Numero #3...
- - Sorry but i have no time for swapping with you, but you can
- always countine suporting Buzz, here is issue #3 have a great
- time...
- - Wow you diden't have the suff i sent to you, what is
- happening with you are you going to be lazy?? (kiding)
- Don't worry, i know how it is to have alot of contacts
- but you have double amount of them, how will you managed
- all this?? i starded to get tired and i have only 150
- Okey, your votes will be in Issue#4 Buzz issue #3 was
- finnished before your letter arrived, fun that you like
- Buzz, i hope you will countine suport it...
- The return of the Flödebolle!!!!!!!!(Mums)
- How wil it come that you joined Jewels!!!!
- - Don't get worried about your delays, i can to, trust me.
- have fun with Buzz, and you don't forget to suport it, it's
- not an request it's an ORDER!!!! =:-)
- - Nej då du är inte så farlig, det finns värre ta tex som ex
- members of DEfiance de tror fortfarande att de är med, har
- folk svårt för att fatta eller vad är deras problem, det måste
- bara svåra rubbningar i hjärn-barken, eller hålfots inlägg...
- Skoj du gillade Buzz, hoppas att du älskar Buzz#3 då...
- Raw #6 är nog faktiskt mycket bättre än Buzz, men det skadar
- ju inte med lite beröm...fortsätt din suport...
- - Blow the post or do something else, i have not recived any
- letter from you for awhile, so we got to hope that it was the
- post fault...
- Hmm, i had not time for issue #3 but if you remind me so
- should i do it for issue #4 Okey???
- But, i need to know the named of the Articles, becouse i got
- so many articles that i don't now wisch of them came from how
- Why should in not answer i must deffend my self i have not
- make any fault, i act in good mode that the articles was okey,
- but i hate when peoples made an thing like this, you can
- proberbly not trust on peoples anymore...it really stinks.
- Of course can you write articles for buzz, maybe one that
- explains avery thing...It is one article i really want from
- you and it is one about the France scene.
- why will it die??? not enough suport??? maybe you want to be
- an Main editor of Buzz, i should really have in neead of one
- good article writer for Buzz... think about it, we should
- maybe include an French part, that you are holding and is only for
- France... Sending you buzz#3, will you send me an issue of
- Outlaw, i have not seen iy yet...
- - Great that you liked Buzz, here issue #3 is coming...
- have an great time with it...
- you must count that i make som delays sometimes, and that is
- becouse Buzz is tsaking almost every spare time of mine, all
- the other time is going to study and work...
- The amoount of contact have know reached 150...
- - Det var lite fel på DMS packningen på disken...
- Tack för suporten fortsätt...
- - Om buggarna, programeringen i Buzz är kanske inte, det
- bästa, men nummer 5 kommer att ha en helt annan design och
- programering, vänta bara... Varför inte Buzz går att lägga in
- på Hårddisken är att den är inte system vänlig, där för får du
- ett Software failure, eller på en 1.3 en Guru...
- Men, bara för de här små buggarna är det väll niget att hänga
- läpp för, hälsa dina polare detta, den duger till alla andra
- vad gör dem så märkvärdiga??? Tack för suporten...
- - Thanks for your stuff, and stuff to Buzz, okey of cource
- will i be glad if you suport Buzz, i have one wiss from you,
- can you write an article about the Finnished scene to Buzz???
- i should be happy!!!! hmm, i think i have asked you this
- before right??? Please send me Cryptoburners Competion at the
- Gathering'94 !!!!! Thanks...
- - Sorry but i have not time to swao with you, but you can
- always suport buzz...
- - Thanks for the suport countine it...Yes , we have got a new
- few members... hope you also got some...
- Hope you will enjoy Buzz...
- - Thanks for the old stuff...
- - Great that you liked my article in Buzz#2 here Buzz#3 is
- coming... i'am sorry but i have not time to swap with you, i
- have know over 150 contacts, and it is getting to much, but
- countine your great suport, of Buzz...
- - I have not time right now to swap with you, but i have your
- addy, so maybe some other day... but you can always countine
- suport bUzz...
- - Thanks for the suport, i look forwar to issue #1... godluck.
- do you want any suport i will gladly help you... please let me
- know... maybe some articles or two....
- - Thanks for the Eurochar, it was totaly great, i really loved
- it this time... to bad that you will start to release it under
- AGA, but AGA is much better so it is maybe time to buy one...
- i think that all peoples is thinking to change becouse A500
- and so in is out, and this will satisfi Commodore!!!
- I hope my work with Buzz, will have some results on the charts
- soon, i think it deserve an place betheen Top 20...don't you?
- - Hmm, okey, let's start swapping, but since i have alot of
- work to do on Buzz, so expect nothing fast...
- if you don't accept this do what you want, i don't care.
- but you can always suport Buzz...
- - Sorry to say this but we are not in need of any more
- swappers, we also have one already in Finland, and it is
- Mike/ex S!P... but enjoy Buzz...
- - Tack för Artiklarna till Buzz#3, fortsätt din stora
- underbara suport för Buzz, efter nummer #4 så tar vi en månads
- semester, och ändrar programeringen och designen, så nummer #5
- blir troligt viss helt underbar... Official spreader är du nu
- av Buzz, kanske du skulle också vilja bli en Co-Editor???
- eftersom du alla redan skriver en massa artiklar...
- en artikel som jag tror skulle vara skoj, är en om vad som
- händer på C-64 scenen, en del Amiga ägare kanske skulle vara
- inntreserade??? vi hörs!!!!!!
- - Det var ett tag sedan, duger vi nu, när vi har släppt ut #3
- nummer av Buzz, eller vad är problemet??? jo det stämmer du
- Swapade med mig innan!!, men kanske som Plugster/Death Defiers
- så jag undrar bara vad du har hållit hus????
- tack för suporten till buzz, Countine it.....
- - Don't get wooried about delay, i can to, trust me...
- You can take the News file in Buzz, but don't forget the
- credits, it is named: News.01-05 and are packed with
- power-packer, but don't take any thing else Okey!!!!
- Please send the newst issue of Aggresion!!!!
- - SIGNED: Plugster/Defiance - 1994-04-12 -